Sunday, November 11, 2007


An example of dual coding theory that I noticed was on a TV commercial for Citibank. The commercials are actually really funny. They are about identity theft and how Citibank can protect you against this. The commercials are funny senario about someone that has encountered identity theft. For example Pam is a stay at home mom that takes her kids to soccer practice, has PTA meetings and enjoys playing in the local park with her kids. Her credit card has been stolen and someone has bought outrageous things like Harley-Davidson Bike parts, leather chaps, and spent two hundred dollars on a tattoo. The commerical is Pam sitting in her living room, with her kids running around her but as she explains what happend, it is the voice of Butch the Harley rider that is coming from her mouth. This is example of dual coding theory because the image that you see of a house-wife sitting in her living room with her kids, but her voice is Butch that has stolen her identity. Citibank does a great job of grabbing the viewer attention by having a different voice come from a character that wouldn't have that image or voice. Using dual coding in this way of imaging to verbal connection is creative and funny. I'm sitting in the library and haven't seen one of these commercials in a long time but still remember what the name of the bank was that does these commericals.

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