Friday, December 7, 2007

Future BW students

Don't worry. This class is going to be good. Angie is great and so is the class.

When you begin to work and find a client for your project, I suggest you form a group that you like. You will be working with these people all semester so make sure you all get along and everyone is willing to do their share of work. I had a great group and we all became good friends. Communication is always very important when dealing with your client and having good connection with them is key. Even though it may seem like a hassle sometimes doing this project, it actually is a great opportunity to build your ethos and gain experience for your resume. You will be successful in this class if you do your work. She does not ask a lot from you, and doing the assignments will do nothing but benefit you. I was forced to do my resume for this class, and now Im so thankful. I also learned other skills like how to write a memo, formal and informal letter writing, and how to design a web site. This class was very beneficial and there is not a better teacher than Angie. She wants you to succeed and is very helpful.

Sunday, December 2, 2007


This year for Christmas we decided to have a smaller year and take a family trip somewhere. We are going to New York City! My parents and my brothers and sister are going from the 18th-21st. I have been to New York a few times but never over Christmas. Our whole family is so excited and it is going to be great to spend time with each other and have fun together! All of us kids are really close in ages and are getting to the ages where we are becoming really good friends and get along with each other :) haha. Each night we have planned to do something different. We are going to go ice skating at the Rockafeller Center, we are going to see the Rockets, and have a nice family dinner. I am so excited to go shopping with my mom and sister and walk around the city at night. I know it's going to be like I jumped into a movie. Christmas time in New York is going to be great. It is such a great atmosphere and hopefully there will be snow!

Sunday, November 11, 2007


An example of dual coding theory that I noticed was on a TV commercial for Citibank. The commercials are actually really funny. They are about identity theft and how Citibank can protect you against this. The commercials are funny senario about someone that has encountered identity theft. For example Pam is a stay at home mom that takes her kids to soccer practice, has PTA meetings and enjoys playing in the local park with her kids. Her credit card has been stolen and someone has bought outrageous things like Harley-Davidson Bike parts, leather chaps, and spent two hundred dollars on a tattoo. The commerical is Pam sitting in her living room, with her kids running around her but as she explains what happend, it is the voice of Butch the Harley rider that is coming from her mouth. This is example of dual coding theory because the image that you see of a house-wife sitting in her living room with her kids, but her voice is Butch that has stolen her identity. Citibank does a great job of grabbing the viewer attention by having a different voice come from a character that wouldn't have that image or voice. Using dual coding in this way of imaging to verbal connection is creative and funny. I'm sitting in the library and haven't seen one of these commercials in a long time but still remember what the name of the bank was that does these commericals.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Group work

I have had many group projects that I have had to do while being at Clemson but I will say that this has been the best experience so far. Everyone in my group has been willing to contribute, flexible with times, worked hard on their assigned work, and been fun to be with. The biggest thing that I have learned and gained more experience in is deligating work. Coming up with a colaborative plan of what we wanted the proposal to look like and then dividing up the work was an important part of the process. There really hasn't been any miscommunications thus far. Everyone in the group was really good about responding to emails and letting others know if they weren't going to make it to a meeting. We kept each other updated and revised each others work. The most successful thing about our group is that we all have different strenghts. We have a great writer, a person good at design, a person great with grammar, and someone that is a communicator. All of these elements brought together make us a great group that has little to no issues.

Sunday, October 21, 2007


Since I had my interview rescheduled I get to blog about a topic of my choice. Im sitting here in the library with my roomate MaryGene and we are 'trying' to study but aren't cause we are to busy Instant Messaging each other back and forth at the same table. We are laughing so hard. We have so many inside jokes and are continually laughing. If you are ever bored in the library and don't have anything to do, I highly suggest sitting with your best friend and IM each other. I assure you, you will laugh a great deal.

I've known MaryGene since I was little. We went to the same kindergarden together, and then went to high school together. We were aquaintences though, we were friendly to each other and I thought she was great but it wasn't until college that we became best friends. We had many of the same friends and by second semester sophomore year we were roomates! We are roomates together again this year and live with four of our other best friends. She is such a blessing to me in so many ways. She is continually making me laugh and is such an encouragement to me with my relationship with Christ, friends, boyfriends, parents, brothers and sisters. She is someone that, as my friend kelly likes to say, 'do life with'.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

I blogged on our Group Blog

Sunday, October 7, 2007

it comes down to Love

I decided to blog about something that i am learning a lot about right now and something that i take for granted sometimes. Relationships. This is a topic that is difficult to analyze and understand most of the time. God ultimate purpose in creating us was to first off glorify Him and second to be a relationship with Him. We are relational as people, especially women and sometimes i forget the importance of protecting, nuturing, encouraging, and growing the relationships i have with those around me. I've learned so much being in a romantic relationship. It is hard. I love the way God created men with His characteristics of protection, provider, strength, leadership and then the way He created women with His qualities of being relational, encouraging, nuturing, and compassionate and when brought together they glorify and reflect who God is as one.I have learned so much about myself and what strengths as a women i bring to the table but also i have learned and am still learning how you have to be selfless and not selfish, open and not closed, sacrificial and not needy. I am thankful for the relationship i have with my boyfriend and look forward to seeing how God is going to grow us, test us, and strenghthen us. The relationships i have with my closest friends are so beautiful and i learn so much from them. My best friends inspire me, sharpen me and challenge me. I am beyond blessed to have the friends and family i do. God is so good and loving. It all comes down to that, God is love. He shows us that through our relationships with other people. What a picture that is. His love for us, His sending his beloved son Jesus as a sacrifice for us and now the personal relationship i can have with Him because of this. He is faithful and loving and so should i be with the relationships i am in.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

The first article that caught my attention was the one about extended traveling and then explaining that on a resume. Being a person that loves to travel and having this mabe be may line of work, taking an off an extended amount of time to travel and explaining that is good to know how to do. It is good to know that not stating on your resume that traveling is was why you made a career break. It is ok though to emhasis things that you may have learned or skills aquired while traveling. When you first start off in a job is is hard to make a career break, but in many cases when you are young and unattached this is the prime time to be able to do this. It does not look good on your resume when your first couple years of work you have made a career change, have an extened amount of time with being unemployed, or made a job change. It hard to find an in between factor of what to put on your resume or what not to in this area.

Another article that caught my eye was the article explaining how important it is to have key words in your resume. One of the main ways to do this is to pick words that are in the job description or advertisment and use those on your resume. Many companies have their own jarin or lingo that they use and these words really stand out to them on your resume. For example it stated that if the job description had the word 'bachelor degree' you better put the word 'bachelor degree in your resume somewhere. Having keywords like 'communication skills', 'team work', 'leadership' and 'problem solving' are also words that employers look for someone to have. So stating these qualities would be helpful. This article was very helpful and now I have some motivation to juice up my resume and find me a job in the future!

Sunday, September 23, 2007


One of the articles that caught my attention was the one about a persons body language and how you can say to much without even speaking. It made great suggestions on what to do and what not to do in an interview in regards to your body. It said that it is not good to keep constant eye contact with the interviewer because you can come across as the stalker type. I never thought about this. It is good to know that you want to look relaxed and attentive but not be stressed out about not keeping constant eye contact. Not figeting is huge for me. I struggle with this sometimes and remembering not to use to many hand gestures or keep crossing my legs is important. Another article that caught my attention was the one about how to answer the aweful question of 'why did you leave your last job'. This can be a super hard question to answer sometimes and can be really awkward. Above all honesty is most important when answering this question. Really good advice that they gave was being consice. Sometimes it is easy to ramble on about this, but they don't want to hear your life story. Two to three sentences is great and will maybe prevent them from asking further questions.
I thought all of the advice that I read in the articles was very practicle and I am definently going to use this site to read over before the big interview!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

my life plus 10

When I imagine my life in ten years that means I will be 31 years old. That is old. I never thought I would ever get to that stage in my life. My early 30's. Life does happen and before you know it I will be Grandma probably.
I hope to be married within the next ten years. After college I hope to live in a foreign country. My major is Travel and Tourism and I would love to expirence my first few years of married life and my first job expirence in a foreign country. I hope to work for a nice hotel or for an event planning company.
I would also like to have, lord willing, a couple of kids. I want to have a big family and by the time im 30 I hope to have started a family. I want to be a stay at home mom.
I want to travel to many places and expirence many cultures within the next ten years. I have been to 11 different countries and hope to at least make that 25.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

The video, I thought, gave a real account of how the future of our world and technology should be looked at. Web 2.o is an example of how text is changing from handwriting and cursive to hypertext which allows you to move things around, be creative, use pictures, sounds, videos and other methods of communication to convey messages. Someone getting ready to enter the workforce needs to be ready and educated on the technological way of communication. Our world as we know it is only going to advance and even though some may be partial to old-fashion ways of communication (I think hand written notes, letters etc. are still very important), people need to realize that the internet communication methods are not going to disappear but will only be used more and as an efficient tool.
We are already having to rethink things. I don't know about everything, but in most ways yes. Communication can be more personal through the internet like skype, picture messaging, video posted on You Tube and other ways. Since we have such personal contact though, people will have to take more precautions to be careful and protect their privacy. Web 2.o gave an accurate description of what the future of technology has come to and how we need to be prepared to face it.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Getting to know Jennigray

My name is Jennigray Caldwell and I am from Charleston, SC.
I grew up in Charleston and the lowcountry will always have my heart.
I have two brothers and a sister. My oldest brother is a fith year senior at Clemson
and is one of my best friends. My younger sister goes to College of Charleston and
always has me laughing. My baby brother is the coolest person on earth and I am his
biggest fan. I am very close to my parents and would not be who I am today
without them in my life.

My major is Travel and Tourism. I have a passion for traveling and learning about new
places. I have been able to travel many places around the world aready and hope to
make this my occupation some how. I also have a love for athletics. I have spent my
whole life playing sports. I play a lot of intramurals at Clemson and it has been
one of my favorite expirences of college so far. Some of my hobbies include fishing, wakeboarding, dancing, and painting.

The most important thing about me thought and what I live for is my relationship
with Jesus Christ. I am a Christian and am involved with FCA here at Clemson.
My relationship with the Lord is most important and representing God is what I
strive to do.